8 mars : )
det är så kallt i mitt rum att jag sätter händerna på den extremt vara lava lampan ,
men inte hjälper det. För man måste slita bort händerna efter några sekunder !
att blogga suger verkligen, jag har inget att skriva om och det är hur tråkigt som hellst ..
hejdå mina 92 besökare hi hi
Sista, Sista, why can't you see
That I'm a part of you
And you're a part of me
And all I want is to be your friend
So Sista, Sista, won't you let me in
Cos all your life I have seen you grow
And yes you are, you're a beautiful woman,
And all I wanted is the best for you
Even though sometimes
Me meaning gets confused
But all I can do is let you know
That I'll be there when ever you call
Cos I am your family
I am a part of you and you're a part of me
So, Sista, Sista, do you feel alone
Cos the family's apart and brothers all left home,
And all you want is someone to talk to
But there's no-one there
I'm here, whenever you need me
I'm here, I am your family
I'm here, whenever you are down
All you got to do is look around
And there I am, and there I am
Know I don't get to see you much anymore
But all you got to do is give me a call
And there I'll be, yes I'll be there for you
You'll have someone to talk to
Cos I am your family
And I'm a part of you, and you're a part of me
There isn't a single thing I would not do
Give it all away for you
For you
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